EXP-00003: No storage definition found for segment (2,2) oracle 8i

About to export the entire database ...
. exporting tablespace definitions
. exporting profiles
. exporting user definitions
. exporting roles
. exporting resource costs
. exporting rollback segment definitions
EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment(2, 2)
EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully


SEGMENT_NAME                   TABLESPACE_NAME                STATUS              FILE_ID
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------- ----------
SYSTEM                         SYSTEM                         ONLINE                    1
RBS0                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS1                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS2                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS3                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS4                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS5                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS6                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS7                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS8                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS9                           RBS                            ONLINE                    2
RBS10                          RBS                            ONLINE                    2
ARSYSTEMROLL_TROUBLETICKET     ARSYSTEM                       ONLINE                    7


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


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