ORA-600 [kxspoac : EXL 1], [23], [23]

 ORA-600 [kxspoac : EXL 1], [23], [23]

Mon Apr 27 11:12:29 2009
Errors in file /apps/app/oracle/admin/apvja/bdump/apvja_p003_710.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kxspoac : EXL 1], [23], [23], [], []
, [], [], []


The observations is

 The trace file has been scanned ,  ora-600 is due to one query on OFFLINE_PAYMENTS table.

One of the user is doing batch processing through forms6i

On his screen the following messages is being displayed.

error signalled in parallel query server P001
ORA-600 - internal error"

Changed the degree on the table OFFLINE_PAYMENTS from 4 to 0

Alter table offline_payments noparallel;

 This solved the problem.

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