How to check the top six big files in Linux

Top six big files in Linux eating out your space

# du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -6
$ du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -6

12G     ebportal-08092015.dmp
12G     ebportal-06092015.dmp
11G     oracle11204Patch
8.8G    old_temptables.dmp
7.1G    fullexp_Tue.dmp
6.0G    ebportal-07092015.dmp

Explanation of commands and switches.
  1. du – Estimate file space usages
  2. -hsx – (-h) Human Readable Format, (-s) Summaries Output, (-x) One File Format, skip directories on other file format.
  3. sort – Sort text file lines
  4. -rh – (-r) Reverse the result of comparison, (-h) for compare human readable format.
  5. head – output first n lines of file.

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