ROLEs in Oracle with examples

In Oracle, a ROLE is a named group of related privileges that can be granted to users or other roles. Roles simplify the management of privileges, especially in environments with many users or complex privilege requirements. Instead of granting individual privileges to each user, you can grant a role that contains all necessary privileges. Here’s a detailed explanation and examples to illustrate the concept of roles in Oracle.

Creating and Managing Roles

  1. Create a Role: To create a role, use the CREATE ROLE statement.

    CREATE ROLE hr_manager;
  2. Grant Privileges to a Role: Assign specific privileges to the role using the GRANT statement.

    GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON employees TO hr_manager;
    GRANT SELECT ON departments TO hr_manager;
  3. Grant a Role to a User: Grant the role to a user to provide them with the privileges associated with the role.

    GRANT hr_manager TO john_doe;
  4. Revoke a Role from a User: Remove the role from a user using the REVOKE statement.

    REVOKE hr_manager FROM john_doe;
  5. Drop a Role: Delete a role using the DROP ROLE statement.

    DROP ROLE hr_manager;


1. Create a Role and Grant Privileges

Create a role called sales_rep and grant specific privileges.

CREATE ROLE sales_rep;
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON orders TO sales_rep; GRANT SELECT ON customers TO sales_rep;

2. Grant the Role to a User

Assign the sales_rep role to a user named alice.

GRANT sales_rep TO alice;

3. Verify Role Assignment

Check the roles assigned to alice.

SELECT * FROM dba_role_privs WHERE grantee = 'ALICE';

This query returns all roles granted to the user alice.

4. Create Another Role with Different Privileges

Create a role called finance_team with different privileges.

CREATE ROLE finance_team;
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON financial_records TO finance_team; GRANT SELECT ON budgets TO finance_team;

Grant the finance_team role to users bob and carol.

GRANT finance_team TO bob;
GRANT finance_team TO carol;

5. Revoke a Role from a User

Remove the sales_rep role from alice.

REVOKE sales_rep FROM alice;

6. Drop a Role

Remove the sales_rep role from the database.

DROP ROLE sales_rep;

Using Roles with System Privileges

You can also assign system privileges to roles. For example, create a role admin_role with system privileges.


Grant the admin_role to a user dba_user.

GRANT admin_role TO dba_user;

Using Roles in PL/SQL

You can also use roles in PL/SQL blocks to dynamically assign privileges during code execution.

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT sales_rep TO john_doe'; END;

Practical Use Cases

  1. Simplifying Privilege Management: Assigning and revoking privileges individually for each user can be cumbersome. Roles allow you to manage privileges more efficiently by grouping them together.
  2. Enhancing Security: By using roles, you can implement a principle of least privilege more effectively. For instance, you can create roles with only the necessary privileges required for specific tasks.
  3. Improving Maintenance: When roles need to be updated, changing the privileges assigned to a role automatically affects all users who have been granted that role, simplifying maintenance.
  4. Project-Based Access Control: For organizations with project-based access requirements, roles can be created for each project, granting only the necessary privileges to access project-specific data.


Roles in Oracle are powerful tools for managing database privileges. They allow for more structured, efficient, and secure privilege management, particularly in environments with many users and complex privilege requirements. By leveraging roles, database administrators can ensure that users have the appropriate level of access to perform their duties without compromising security or manageability. 

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