Transposing data in Microsoft Excel | Converting rows into columns and vice versa in Excel

Transposing data in Microsoft Excel means converting rows into columns and vice versa. This can be useful for reformatting data to better suit your needs. Here are several methods to transpose data in Excel:

Method 1: Using the Paste Special Feature

  1. Select the Data:

    • Highlight the range of cells you want to transpose.
  2. Copy the Data:

    • Right-click the selected range and choose Copy or press Ctrl + C.
  3. Select the Destination Cell:

    • Click the cell where you want the transposed data to start.
  4. Paste Special:

    • Right-click the destination cell, then select Paste Special.
    • In the Paste Special dialog box, check the Transpose box and click OK.

Method 2: Using the TRANSPOSE Function

  1. Select the Destination Range:

    • Select the range of cells where you want the transposed data to appear. The size of the destination range should match the size of the original range but flipped (rows become columns and vice versa).
  2. Enter the TRANSPOSE Function:

    • Type =TRANSPOSE( and then select the range of cells you want to transpose. For example, =TRANSPOSE(A1:B10).
  3. Complete the Function as an Array Formula:

    • Instead of pressing Enter, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter. This tells Excel to treat it as an array formula.

Method 3: Using Power Query

  1. Load Data into Power Query:

    • Select your data range, go to the Data tab, and select From Table/Range.
  2. Transpose Data:

    • In the Power Query Editor, go to the Transform tab and select Transpose.
  3. Load Transposed Data Back to Excel:

    • Click Close & Load to load the transposed data back into Excel.


Original Data

A1  B1  C1
A2  B2  C2
A3  B3  C3

Transposed Data (Using Paste Special)

A1  A2  A3
B1  B2  B3
C1  C2  C3

Using Paste Special

  1. Select A1
    and Copy.
  2. Select E1 (or any destination cell).
  3. Right-click > Paste Special > Transpose > OK.

Using TRANSPOSE Function

  1. Select E1
  2. Type =TRANSPOSE(A1:C3).
  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

Using Power Query

  1. Select A1
    > Data tab > From Table/Range.
  2. In Power Query Editor, Transform tab > Transpose.
  3. Close & Load.


These methods provide flexibility depending on your specific needs and the complexity of your data. The Paste Special feature is quick and easy, while the TRANSPOSE function and Power Query provide more dynamic solutions for larger or more complex datasets.

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