How to Catch OUT parameter of a PL/SQL procedure and calling another PL/SQL procedure

In PL/SQL, you can capture an OUT parameter from one procedure and pass it to another procedure by using PL/SQL variables. Below is an example demonstrating this process:

Example: Catching OUT parameter and calling another procedure

  1. Procedure 1: Returns an output parameter.
  2. Procedure 2: Accepts the output of Procedure 1 as an input parameter.

Step 1: Create First Procedure (with OUT parameter)

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_employee_salary (
p_emp_id IN NUMBER, p_salary OUT NUMBER ) AS BEGIN -- Assume we fetch salary from EMPLOYEES table SELECT salary INTO p_salary FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE employee_id = p_emp_id; END; /

Step 2: Create Second Procedure (Takes OUT parameter as INPUT)

p_emp_id IN NUMBER, p_salary IN NUMBER ) AS BEGIN -- Process the salary (For example, log it or insert into another table) INSERT INTO SALARY_AUDIT (employee_id, salary, processed_date) VALUES (p_emp_id, p_salary, SYSDATE); COMMIT; END; /

Step 3: Call Procedures in an Anonymous Block

v_emp_id NUMBER := 101; -- Employee ID v_salary NUMBER; -- Variable to hold the OUT parameter value BEGIN -- Call the first procedure to get salary get_employee_salary(v_emp_id, v_salary); -- Call the second procedure using the OUT parameter from the first process_salary(v_emp_id, v_salary); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary processed for Employee ID: ' || v_emp_id || ', Salary: ' || v_salary); END; /


  1. get_employee_salary fetches the salary based on the Employee ID and returns it via an OUT parameter (p_salary).
  2. process_salary receives the Employee ID and the salary from the first procedure and logs it into the SALARY_AUDIT table.
  3. The anonymous PL/SQL block calls Procedure 1, stores the result in v_salary, and then passes it to Procedure 2.

Key Points to Remember:

  • OUT parameters are used to return values from a procedure.
  • When calling a procedure with an OUT parameter, the calling program must declare a variable to store the returned value.
  • The captured OUT parameter value can then be used to call another procedure.

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