Masking data in Oracle | Example Mobile number / Aadhaar Number

🔹 Masking a Mobile Number in Oracle

Masking a mobile number means partially hiding digits for privacy while displaying only a few visible characters. Below are different ways to achieve this in Oracle.

✅ 1️⃣ Mask Middle Digits (Show First & Last 2 Digits)

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('9876543210', '(\d{2})\d{6}(\d{2})', '\1******\2') AS masked_mobile FROM DUAL;

🟢 Output


🔹 This keeps the first two and last two digits visible and replaces the middle six with ******.

✅ 2️⃣ Mask All Except Last 4 Digits

SELECT RPAD('*', LENGTH('9876543210') - 4, '*') || SUBSTR('9876543210', -4) AS masked_mobile FROM DUAL;

🟢 Output


🔹 Uses RPAD('*', ...) to replace all but the last 4 digits.

✅ 3️⃣ Mask Using CASE (Dynamic Length Handling)

SELECT CASE WHEN LENGTH('9876543210') = 10 THEN 'XXXXX' || SUBSTR('9876543210', -5) -- Mask first 5 digits ELSE 'Invalid Number' END AS masked_mobile FROM DUAL;

🟢 Output


🔹 Useful if the number length is inconsistent.

✅ 4️⃣ General Function to Mask Any Mobile Number

If you frequently need to mask numbers, a function can help.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mask_mobile(p_mobile VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN RETURN SUBSTR(p_mobile, 1, 2) || '******' || SUBSTR(p_mobile, -2); END; /


SELECT mask_mobile('9876543210') FROM DUAL;

🟢 Output


🔹 Summary

MethodSQL CodeOutput Example
Mask Middle 6 DigitsREGEXP_REPLACE(mobile, '(\d{2})\d{6}(\d{2})', '\1******\2')98******10
Mask All Except Last 4`RPAD('', LENGTH(mobile) - 4, '')
Mask First 5 Digits`CASE WHEN LENGTH(mobile) = 10 THEN 'XXXXX'
Custom FunctionCREATE FUNCTION mask_mobile(p_mobile)98******10

🔹 Masking Aadhaar Number in Oracle

Aadhaar numbers are 12-digit unique identification numbers, and masking them is essential for privacy. Below are different ways to mask an Aadhaar number in Oracle.

✅ 1️⃣ Mask Middle Digits (Show First & Last 4 Digits)

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('123456789012', '(\d{4})\d{4}(\d{4})', '\1 **** \2') AS masked_aadhaar FROM DUAL;

🟢 Output

1234 **** 9012

🔹 This keeps the first and last 4 digits visible while masking the middle 4 digits with ****.

✅ 2️⃣ Mask All Except Last 4 Digits

SELECT RPAD('*', LENGTH('123456789012') - 4, '*') || SUBSTR('123456789012', -4) AS masked_aadhaar FROM DUAL;

🟢 Output


🔹 This replaces all but the last 4 digits with *.

✅ 3️⃣ Mask All Except First & Last 2 Digits

SELECT SUBSTR('123456789012', 1, 2) || '********' || SUBSTR('123456789012', -2) AS masked_aadhaar FROM DUAL;

🟢 Output


🔹 Useful when only minimal information needs to be shown.

✅ 4️⃣ Create a Function for Aadhaar Masking

If you frequently need to mask Aadhaar numbers, a function can help.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mask_aadhaar(p_aadhaar VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN RETURN SUBSTR(p_aadhaar, 1, 4) || ' **** ' || SUBSTR(p_aadhaar, -4); END; /


SELECT mask_aadhaar('123456789012') FROM DUAL;

🟢 Output

1234 **** 9012

🔹 Summary

MethodSQL CodeOutput Example
Mask Middle 4 DigitsREGEXP_REPLACE(aadhaar, '(\d{4})\d{4}(\d{4})', '\1 **** \2')1234 **** 9012
Mask All Except Last 4`RPAD('', LENGTH(aadhaar) - 4, '')
Mask All Except First & Last 2`SUBSTR(aadhaar, 1, 2)
Custom FunctionCREATE FUNCTION mask_aadhaar(p_aadhaar)1234 **** 9012

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