Oracle NVL,NVL2, COALESCE , NULLIF functions to handle NULL values

NVL functions are used in SQL (primarily in Oracle) to handle NULL values by replacing them with a specified value. Here’s how they work:

1. NVL Function (Oracle)

The NVL function replaces NULL with a specified value.


NVL(expression, replacement_value)
  • expression: The value or column to be checked.
  • replacement_value: The value to replace NULL if the expression is NULL.


SELECT NVL(salary, 0) AS adjusted_salary FROM employees;
  • If salary is NULL, it is replaced with 0.

2. NVL2 Function

The NVL2 function provides more flexibility by allowing different values based on whether the expression is NULL or not.

NVL2(expression, value_if_not_null, value_if_null)

  • If expression is NOT NULL, it returns value_if_not_null.
  • If expression is NULL, it returns value_if_null.


SELECT NVL2(commission, 'Has Commission', 'No Commission') AS status
FROM employees;
  • If commission is NULL, it returns "No Commission", otherwise "Has Commission".

3. COALESCE Function (Alternative)

The COALESCE function returns the first non-null value from a list of expressions.

COALESCE(expression1, expression2, ..., expressionN)

  • Returns the first non-null value from the list.


SELECT COALESCE(salary, bonus, 0) AS final_income FROM employees;
  • If salary is NULL, it checks bonus; if both are NULL, it returns 0.

4. NULLIF Function

The NULLIF function returns NULL if both expressions are equal; otherwise, it returns the first expression.


NULLIF(expression1, expression2)


SELECT NULLIF(sales, target) FROM performance;
  • If sales equals target, it returns NULL, otherwise sales.

Which One to Use?

FunctionUse Case
NVLReplace NULL with a specific value
NVL2Return different values based on NULL status
COALESCEReturn the first non-null value from multiple columns
NULLIFCompare two values and return NULL if they are equal

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