Oracle useful functions - string manipulation, number calculations, date conversion and aggregation

Oracle provides many built-in functions that are useful for string manipulation, number calculations, date operations, and data aggregation. Here are some of the most commonly used Oracle functions:

🔹 String Functions

UPPER()Converts to uppercaseUPPER('oracle') → 'ORACLE'
LOWER()Converts to lowercaseLOWER('ORACLE') → 'oracle'
INITCAP()Capitalizes first letter of each wordINITCAP('hello world') → 'Hello World'
LENGTH()Returns length of stringLENGTH('Oracle') → 6
SUBSTR()Extracts substringSUBSTR('Oracle', 2, 3) → 'rac'
INSTR()Finds position of substringINSTR('Oracle', 'a') → 3
REPLACE()Replaces substringREPLACE('hello world', 'world', 'Oracle') → 'hello Oracle'
REGEXP_SUBSTR()Extracts substring using regexREGEXP_SUBSTR('123-456-789', '\d+', 1, 2) → '456'
LISTAGG()Aggregates multiple rows into a single stringLISTAGG(name, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY name)

🔹 Number Functions

ROUND()Rounds number to given decimal placesROUND(123.456, 2) → 123.46
TRUNC()Truncates number without roundingTRUNC(123.456, 2) → 123.45
MOD()Returns remainderMOD(10, 3) → 1
CEIL()Rounds up to nearest integerCEIL(4.2) → 5
FLOOR()Rounds down to nearest integerFLOOR(4.9) → 4
ABS()Returns absolute valueABS(-10) → 10
SIGN()Returns sign (-1, 0, 1)SIGN(-50) → -1
POWER()Raises number to a powerPOWER(2, 3) → 8

🔹 Date Functions

SYSDATEReturns current date and timeSELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL;
SYSTIMESTAMPReturns current timestamp with timezoneSELECT SYSTIMESTAMP FROM DUAL;
ADD_MONTHS()Adds months to a dateADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, 3)
MONTHS_BETWEEN()Finds difference between two dates in monthsMONTHS_BETWEEN('01-JAN-2024', '01-JUL-2024') → 6
LAST_DAY()Returns last day of monthLAST_DAY(SYSDATE)
NEXT_DAY()Returns next given weekdayNEXT_DAY(SYSDATE, 'Monday')
TRUNC()Truncates date to specific unitTRUNC(SYSDATE, 'MONTH')
EXTRACT()Extracts part of dateEXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) → 2024

🔹 Conversion Functions

TO_CHAR()Converts date/number to stringTO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY')
TO_DATE()Converts string to dateTO_DATE('2024-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
TO_NUMBER()Converts string to numberTO_NUMBER('12345')

🔹 Aggregate Functions

SUM()Returns sum of valuesSELECT SUM(salary) FROM employees;
AVG()Returns averageSELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees;
MIN()Returns minimum valueSELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees;
MAX()Returns maximum valueSELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees;
COUNT()Returns count of rowsSELECT COUNT(*) FROM employees;

🔹 Analytical Functions

RANK()Assigns rank with gapsRANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC)
DENSE_RANK()Assigns rank without gapsDENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC)
ROW_NUMBER()Assigns unique row numberROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY salary DESC)
LEAD()Gets next row's valueLEAD(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary)
LAG()Gets previous row's valueLAG(salary) OVER (ORDER BY salary)

🔹 Miscellaneous Functions

NVL()Replaces NULL with a valueNVL(NULL, 'Default') → 'Default'
NVL2()Returns different values for NULL/non-NULLNVL2(salary, 'Present', 'Missing')
DECODE()IF-THEN-ELSE alternativeDECODE(status, 'A', 'Active', 'I', 'Inactive', 'Unknown')
CASEMore flexible conditional logicCASE WHEN status = 'A' THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Inactive' END

🔹 Regular Expression Functions (Regex)

REGEXP_LIKE()Checks if value matches patternREGEXP_LIKE('123ABC', '^[0-9]+$') → FALSE
REGEXP_INSTR()Finds position of regex patternREGEXP_INSTR('abc123xyz', '\d+') → 4
REGEXP_REPLACE()Replaces regex matchREGEXP_REPLACE('a1b2c3', '\d', '') → 'abc'
REGEXP_SUBSTR()Extracts matching substringREGEXP_SUBSTR('a1b2c3', '\d+') → '1'

✨ Summary

🔹 Number FunctionsROUND, MOD, POWER
🔹 Conversion FunctionsTO_CHAR, TO_DATE, TO_NUMBER
🔹 Aggregate FunctionsSUM, AVG, COUNT
🔹 Analytical FunctionsRANK, ROW_NUMBER, LEAD
🔹 Miscellaneous FunctionsNVL, DECODE, CASE

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