Showing posts from September, 2022

import data from web page to excel sheet

import data from web page to excel sheet and refresh the excel sheet 1. Open Excel  2. Go to  Data Menu 3. Then select  DATA=>Get external data => From web  …

sp1.msb not found SP2-0750 while connecting as sysdba

sp1<lang>.msb not found SP2-0750 while connecting as sysdba $ sqlplus "/as sysdba" Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus Message file sp1 .msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software dir…

Delete database manually in Oracle

Delete database manually in Oracle   Here is how you can remove an Oracle database manually: 1. Log On as sysdba. sqlplus / as sysdba 2. Check oracle related files. You can create a sh file that removes all files as i mentioned below. Please …

Alter or Drop a user throws error ORA-00600 [4842]

Alter or Drop a user throws error ORA-00600 [4842] SQL> conn <usernam>/<pwd>    # ( user should be having DBA privileges ) Connected. SQL> alter user SDEVKSTD identified by a; alter user SDEVKSTD identified by a * ERROR at line 1: O…

How to Audit User Connection, Disconnection Date and Time

How to Audit User Connection, Disconnection Date and Time 1. Set the initialization parameter "audit_trail" in the "initSID.ora" file. audit_trail=true(db) 2. Shutdown and restart the database in order to apply the changes. SQL>…

Access oracle table from sql server

Access oracle table from sql server First and Foremost you need to create on DSN (Here OracleSvr) to connect to Oracle from SQL server (Microsoft) After creating the DSN and testing it the following commands can be used to select the data from the…

ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded

ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded when you get this error always check trace file. In my trace file was this error: ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (2000) exceeded So what does this mean? 1) This error is related to p…

WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)

WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136) bash-3.00$ lsnrctl LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 03-JUL-2009 15:24:19 Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle.   All rights reserved. Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" …

Security tab is missing when in properties of a folder in windows

Security tab is missing when in properties of a folder in windows So to see and unhide the Security tab, just use the following steps: 1. Launch Windows Explorer or My Computer. 2. lick on the Tools at the menu bar, then click on Folder Options…

regedit disabled in windows - Enable using command prompt commands

How to Enable regedit using command prompt commands C:\> REG DELETE   HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools Delete the registry value DisableRegistryTools (Y/N)? y The operation completed …

ORA-600 [kxspoac : EXL 1], [23], [23]

ORA-600 [kxspoac : EXL 1], [23], [23] Mon Apr 27 11:12:29 2009 Errors in file /apps/app/oracle/admin/apvja/bdump/apvja_p003_710.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kxspoac : EXL 1], [23], [23], [], [] , [], [], [] Ob…

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